Your Challenges Deserve Patrina Solutions

As regulatory requirements continue to evolve, the financial services industry and many other regulated industries deserve access to solutions that meet their current and emerging requirements. Today, businesses are required to preserve and keep accessible an ever-expanding volume of records, across endless systems, which are used for internal reference and communications with their customers. When these systems are backed up, the data streams are often stored in raw formats, making the information inaccessible and illegible without the right software. When an audit begins, the clock begins ticking, and being unprepared can lead to hefty fines and could ultimately damage business reputation. Information governance is more important than ever.

Compliant Records Archiving Solutions

Compliant Records Archiving Solutions

Patrina provides the power you need to capture, consolidate and manage all of your data anytime, anywhere. We provide a compliant archiving platform that preserves and consolidates all of your critical electronic records into a secure and globally accessible archive. One platform for your trade records, image files, customer statements, account forms, emails, instant messages and social media. Our easy to use supervisory tools will help you to manage and minimize risk, reduce operational expenses and enforce regulatory requirements. Our secure hosted archiving platform will help you with quickly locating, managing and producing the information you need when you need it most. We continue to be the smart choice for organizations needing a compliant end-to-end Records Archiving solution that handles all of your data governance needs.

Upgrade the Power of Your Compliance Tools Today

Upgrade the Power of Your Compliance Tools Today

Broker-Dealers face an increasingly complex and ever-changing compliance environment that requires considerable CCO attention and oversight to get right. Unfortunately, too many compliance officers lose valuable time and visibility by using multiple disparate systems, or worse, paper-based processes to complete their compliance tasks. Patrina’s Integrated Compliance Suite brings you a better way to manage your firm’s non-trading compliance. Our secure, easy to use, and always available platform covers most of your day-to-day and hard-to-manage processes, all the while giving you vastly improved visibility on the goings on of your compliance office. Patrina Compliance will help increase your productivity, improve your organization, and reduce regulatory risk.


What Sets Us Apart ?

Patrina. When You Need More
Than Data Archiving

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