SMS archiving software you can trust

Patrina’s easy-to-use compliant message archiving platform and phenomenal support are here to help you meet your compliance obligations. For over 20 years, the Financial Services industry has leaned on Patrina for all of their data governance needs, and as a trusted Designated Third Party we ensure your message review and archiving requirements are met.

Are you in need of reliable SMS archiving software?

Patrina’s easy-to-use and compliant message archiving platform, backed by phenomenal support, is here to meet your compliance obligations.

For over  two decades of Financial Services industry experience firms have trusted Patrina for all their data governance needs. As a Designated Third Party, we ensure your message review and archiving requirements are not just met but exceeded. Our comprehensive suite of text archiving and SMS archiving solutions is designed to provide you with the tools you need to maintain compliance effortlessly.

Explore Comprehensive Text Message Archiving Solutions

Our SMS archiving software is more than just a tool; it’s a complete solution. We offer a suite of features that streamline the archiving process, making it easy for you to access, review, and retrieve important text messages. Patrina stands out as a trusted partner when it comes to choosing an SMS Archiving Software. Here’s why:

Ease of Use

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly so you can effortlessly navigate your archiving requirements.

Compliance Assurance

We have a deep understanding of compliance regulations, ensuring you’re always in line with industry standards.


Our support team is always ready to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

Comprehensive Solutions

From text archiving to SMS archiving, we’ve got you covered, simplifying the management of your message data.

Don’t let compliance concerns weigh you down. Choose Patrina’s solutions to streamline your data governance needs. When it comes to message archiving, trust the experts at Patrina.

An alphabet soup of regulators

Whether your firm is regulated by the CFTCSEC, FINRA, or IIROC, you can feel confident that Patrina’s message archiving platform meets the stringent requirements of your regulating body. Our message archiving platform provides the tools you need to archive and supervise all your communications so that you can efficiently respond to examiner requests, and mitigate the risk associated with non-compliant communications.


  • Full indexing to maximize search
  • Customize flagging lexicons
  • Execute percent sampling of all messaging
  • Flag messages for follow up
  • Monitor social engagement to ensure compliance with SEC and FINRA regulations
  • Save and repeat search criteria making data retrieval quick and convenient
  • Built-in tools to automate review assignments
  • Control access and permission to view messages from specific groups
  • Analyze risk and reassign/escalate oversight
  • Maintain a full audit trail, archive, and import legacy messages
  • Generate reports for review and regulator requests
  • And more…

Supported Content





Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Lync

Microsoft Lync



Google Mail

Google Mail





Office 365

Office 365

Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger





It’s not a matter of if….It’s a matter of when

Whether it’s the CFTC, SEC, FINRA, IIROC or a State Regulatory body, you know your time is coming and you know reviewing your firm’s communications is always an examiner’s top priority. With Patrina you now have the confidence you need to respond to any request for your firm’s communications. Patrina’s comprehensive and easy-to-use Message Archiving platform will help you supervise, screen and review your firm’s communications so you are prepared for your examination. And when that time comes, Patrina’s team is there to assist you in producing those records, and only those records, needed to fulfill the examiner’s request.


What Sets Us Apart ?

Patrina. When You Need More
Than Data Archiving

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