The SEC is watching

The media is full of stories about pay-to-play rule violations committed by broker-dealers, private equity firms and others. Contribute to the campaign of a governor, or state senator, or mayor, for example, while receiving advisory fees from city and state pension funds and you may find yourself in really BIG trouble, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and penalties. And that’s if the Securities and Exchange Commission is willing to settle.

Why be that firm, when Patrina makes compliance so easy and cost-effective

Investment Advisor Act Rule 206 (4)-5) and MSRB Rule 6-37 lay out the pay-to-play rule parameters in great detail. If your firm deals with municipal securities or receives fees from government entities, take heed.

One of 8 powerful Patrina Compliance modules built on the industry’s easiest-to-use interface, the Patrina Political Contributions Module seamlessly integrates political contribution disclosure, approval, and tracking from a single Patrina dashboard — regardless of whether you are a one-branch shop or a multinational.

One platform to build and maintain a culture of compliance

Do business with municipal securities? Collect fees from government entities? Then, do the compliance math: Weak “pay-to-play” policies = Big “pay-a-fine” exposures.

Disclose. Approve. Track.

With Patrina’s Political Contributions module built-in workflows, you can easily:

  • Disclose, approve (or deny), and track planned and unapproved contributions;
  • Divulge “Monetary” or “In-Kind” contributions;
  • Deliver contributions to appropriate parties for review; and
  • Produce complete audit trails of your review/approval processes; and
  • Generate customizable reports on demand.

Patrina’s that simple

So, when the regulators call, will you be ready?

Click here to schedule your Patrina demo or call + today and we’ll help you do more, spend less, and reduce risk!


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