
Committed to your compliance needs

Refer your clients and colleagues to Patrina, the smart choice for businesses needing a compliant data management and archiving solution. We provide solutions as unique as your data:

  • Consolidate electronic records into a central archive.
  • Securely access critical corporate records through our private cloud network.
  • Streamline and systemize data workflow processes.
  • Capture and supervise online business activity such as email and social media
  • Solve unique data management issues.
  • Decommission and convert data from disparate systems into a consolidated platform with a user friendly format.

We work with regulated and unregulated businesses of all sizes. No matter which sector, Patrina can help. We offer a multitude of data management and archiving solutions for businesses needing to reduce the operational burden, expense and risk associated with internally managing electronic records. Lean on Patrina, the smart choice for your client’s data management and archiving needs.

  • IT Professionals
  • Senior Managers
  • Compliance and Risk Managers
  • Compliance and Legal Consultants
  • Human Resources
  • Efficiency Experts
  • Virtually anyone needing to manage electronic records.

Benefits include:

  • No set minimums to qualify for commissions.
  • No sign up fees.
  • Our data experts are here to help you win the business.
  • We design a migration strategy that is unique to your specific data archiving needs. to ensure a smooth migration process.
  • Lean on Patrina for phenomenal service. We are here. We are ready.
  • Leverage our expertise in data structures to provide solutions that work.

What Sets Us Apart ?

Patrina. When You Need More
Than Data Archiving

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