Patrina's gift & entertainment module streamlines compliance

FINRA requires you to monitor, track, and report any exchange of cash, non-cash gifts, and gratuities. The Authority is particularly vigilant about conflicts of interest, closely scrutinizing how much firms may be “paying to secure new business.” Navigating the complexities of FINRA compliance regarding gifts and entertainment can be challenging, but Patrina is here to help. Patrina’s Gift & Entertainment Module simplifies the process, ensuring you comply with all regulatory requirements.

Patrina’s Gift & Entertainment Module offers an intuitive interface to help you seamlessly manage compliance tasks. The module tracks all gifts and entertainment exchanges, flags potential conflicts, and generates comprehensive reports. With Patrina, you can confidently meet FINRA’s stringent requirements, focusing on growing your business without worrying about regulatory missteps.

Understanding FINRA's Focus

FINRA requires vigilant monitoring, tracking, and reporting of cash, non-cash gifts, and gratuities to address potential conflicts of interest and ensure that firms are not improperly influencing business decisions. This is particularly important under FINRA Rule 3220, designed to eliminate undue influence by limiting the value of gifts and gratuities that member firms and their associates can give. According to this rule, gifts, cash, or gratuities cannot exceed $100 per person per year related to the recipient’s employer or business. This strict cap helps maintain integrity and fairness in financial dealings by preventing any undue influence or favoritism that could arise from excessive gifting.

Staying compliant with FINRA Rule 3220 is not just about avoiding penalties; it’s about fostering a culture of ethical behavior and transparency. By adhering to these regulations, firms demonstrate their commitment to fairness and integrity in their business practices. Moreover, this level of compliance can help firms build and maintain trust with clients, regulators, and the public, which is crucial in today’s highly scrutinized financial landscape.

Patrina tames unwieldy FINRA Rule 3220 compliance

Navigating the complexities of FINRA Rule 3220 compliance can be challenging, particularly for firms with multiple branches and extensive operations. This is where Patrina’s Gifts & Entertainment Module comes into play. Built as one of eight powerful modules on the industry’s most intuitive interface, this tool streamlines the compliance process—from gift request submissions to data collection, documentation, management, oversight, and reporting. Whether you are managing a single branch or overseeing a multinational operation, Patrina’s centralized dashboard offers a unified platform to ensure your firm remains compliant with FINRA Rule 3220. By simplifying these critical processes, Patrina’s module saves time. It minimizes the risk of non-compliance, giving you peace of mind that your firm is quickly adhering to regulatory requirements.

Be transparent and 17a-4 compliant

Patrina takes the complexity out of FINRA Rule 3220 compliance. Our Gift & Entertainment Module, part of our Compliance Suite, streamlines various aspects of compliance, all within an easy-to-use interface. Patrina’s Gifts & Entertainment Module’s built-in workflows permit you to easily and accurately:

  • Disclose gifts and entertainment expenses;
  • Disseminate Gift & Entertainment requests to appropriate parties for review and approval;
  • Generate custom reports tracking recipients, totals, date ranges, types of gifts/expenses; and
  • Comply fully with 17a-4 requirements.

Patrina’s that simple

So, when the regulators call, will you be ready?

Click here to schedule your Patrina demo or call + today and we’ll help you do more, spend less, and reduce risk!

FINRA considers a "gift" to be any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, or other item or service that has more than a nominal value. The value and intent behind such offerings are assessed by FINRA to determine whether they might influence or reward employees of other firms in a manner that could create conflicts of interest or compromise the integrity of the securities industry.

FINRA Rule 3220 matters because it helps maintain the integrity and fairness of the securities industry. By prohibiting improper influence or rewarding of employees of other firms, it prevents conflicts of interest and unethical practices that could harm investors or undermine market trust. Compliance with this rule ensures that business relationships are based on merit and fair dealings rather than undue influence or incentives, contributing to a transparent and ethical financial marketplace.

To comply with FINRA's gifting rules, financial professionals should:

1. Familiarize themselves with FINRA Rule 3220.
2. Establish firm-specific policies and procedures for gifts and entertainment.
3. Implement internal controls for monitoring and documenting gifts.
4. Train employees on compliance with gifting rules.
5. Maintain detailed records of all gifts and entertainment activities.
6. Regularly review and update compliance processes to align with regulatory changes.
7. Seek legal counsel or compliance experts for guidance when needed.

Adherence to these steps helps ensure compliance with FINRA's rules on gifts and entertainment, promoting ethical practices within the industry.


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