Manage outside business activities with our compliance software and stay FINRA OBA complaint.

FINRA Rule 3270 requires you to disclose, approve, and track your members’ outside business activities, which can be complex and time-consuming. Our software is designed to make this compliance requirement simpler and more manageable for you.

Whether you operate a single-branch office or oversee a multinational organization, our software provides a unified dashboard to streamline the compliance process. This means you can efficiently handle disclosures, approvals, and tracking from one central location. In the financial services industry, where managing FINRA outside business activities (OBAs) is critical for regulatory compliance, our comprehensive software solution ensures that you remain in control and quickly meet all necessary requirements.

It’s 6 pm. Time for outside business activities. Do you know where your people are?

It’s 6 pm. Time for outside business activities. Do you know where your people are and what they’re doing? Don’t be caught off guard. With Patrina’s Outside Business Activities Module, you can track and manage outside business activities more effectively.

Our module is designed to help you stay ahead by identifying potential conflicts early and addressing them quickly and cost-effectively. As one of eight powerful modules in Patrina’s Compliance Suite, the Outside Business Activities Module streamlines the disclosure process and removes the gaps associated with annual reporting. This ensures you have a clear and up-to-date overview of your team’s outside business activities, helping you maintain compliance and avoid unexpected issues.

Stay Compliant with FINRA Rule 3270

FINRA Rule 3270 requires the disclosure, approval, and tracking of your members’ outside business activities to ensure proper oversight. Patrina’s OBA compliance software simplifies this process, whether you operate a small, single-branch office or manage a large multinational corporation.

Our software, built on the industry’s easiest-to-use interface, provides a seamless solution for meeting regulatory requirements. Patrina’s Outside Business Activities Module features built-in workflows that streamline the disclosure and approval processes, effectively removing the gaps commonly associated with annual reporting. This comprehensive tool ensures that all outside business activities are tracked and managed efficiently, keeping your organization fully compliant with FINRA regulations.

Streamlined Disclosure and Approval

Don’t be left in the dark about your employees’ activities. Track outside business activities effectively with Patrina’s Outside Business Activities Module, part of our Compliance Suite. Say goodbye to gaps in your annual reporting.

Our software, built on an intuitive interface, simplifies the disclosure and approval process, eliminating reporting gaps. Here’s what Patrina’s Outside Business Activities (OBA) Module offers:

  1. Built-in distribution of user-friendly online disclosure forms and monthly reminders to employees.
  2. Comprehensive audit trails, keeping track of who, what, and when OBAs are approved.
  3. Reduced office audit risk by integrating potential OBA conflicts into office risk scores.
  4. Complete data storage, compliant with 17a-4 requirements, and customizable reporting options.

While you cannot lock your people in their offices, you can streamline the disclosure and approval process.

Patrina’s that simple

So, when the regulators call, will you be ready?

Click here to schedule your Patrina demo or call + today and we’ll help you do more, spend less, and reduce risk!

FINRA Rule 3270, also known as the "Outside Business Activities of Registered Persons" rule, requires registered individuals associated with a brokerage firm to provide written notice to their employing firm before engaging in any outside business activities. This rule helps firms assess potential conflicts of interest and ensure that the activities do not interfere with the individual's duties to the firm or harm investors. It aims to maintain transparency, protect clients' interests, and uphold the integrity of the securities industry. Prior approval from the firm is typically required for these outside activities to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

When you notify your firm of an Outside Business Activity (OBA), the firm assesses the activity for potential conflicts of interest and ensures it doesn't interfere with your responsibilities to the firm or harm investors. Depending on the nature of the OBA, the firm may require you to obtain written approval before proceeding. This process helps maintain transparency, protect clients' interests, and ensure compliance with FINRA regulations.

Firms determine the acceptability of an Outside Business Activity (OBA) by evaluating potential conflicts of interest, risks, and whether it might interfere with the individual's duties to the firm or harm investors. They assess the activity's nature, extent, and compensation involved. If the OBA poses no conflicts and meets regulatory requirements, the firm may grant approval. However, they may deny approval if it raises concerns. The goal is to maintain transparency, safeguard clients' interests, and ensure compliance with FINRA rules.

When a firm identifies Outside Business Activities (OBAs) that conflict with an advisor's duties, they typically require the advisor to either cease the conflicting activity or take appropriate steps to mitigate the conflict. This can involve divestiture, disclosure, or other measures to ensure that the conflict doesn't harm clients' interests or violate regulatory requirements. Firms prioritize transparency and regulatory compliance to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the financial industry.



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